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Freedom Over Bondage Latta Claire

I was thinking lately how my life is truly not how I pictured it to be. At this stage in life I had always imagined my life to look different.

However, this does not mean my life is bad or that I am upset with how things have turned out. God has truly renewed my way of thinking and changed my heart posture towards Him.

I often used to think that God wanted to withhold things from me, but I’ve learned He wants to do the exact opposite. God delights in giving us good things- in giving us more than we could imagine.

However, because God delights in giving us good things- He is not going to stoop down to our sinful way of thinking to give us things that are going to harm us. Which is hard for many of us, because we often think we know what is best for US.

In high school and even into college I thought I knew what my life should look like and so I went after things that only left me disappointed.

This led to living in a lot of bondage. I was living a luke warm faith and not giving God my all. I loved God and desired to be in a relationship with Him, but I was limiting His work in my life.

I was holding on too tightly to what I thought my life should look like, that I totally neglected to focus my attention on the ONE who holds my life in His hands.

However, everything changed one night in my college dorm room. The Lord felt so present to me and it was obvious He was tugging on my heart. I remember saying to the Lord, “I am tired of limiting you in my life. I am believing you are going to do great things in my life. Things so great that I couldn’t even imagine them on my own.”

And a couple days later I had an encounter with the Lord in my home. In our living room. I had worship music on and I felt the Lord say to me that I needed to let go of past hurt, bitterness, and bondage.

I remember getting on my knees with tears streaming down my face and saying for the first time, “There is no more hurt. It’s just worship.” The Lord lifted years of sadness, brokenness, and bondage off of my life.

Bondage was crushed in that moment and freedom erupted in my spirit.

God has brought so many blessings- MORE THAN I COULD IMAGINE into my life.

It is a beautiful thing to let the Lord transform your way of thinking.

Life is hard. It’s not perfect. I am still reminded of the hardship I faced, but it’s brief and I now fight it with Scripture and worship. I don’t live in it, because I now walk in freedom.

If you are struggling to break free from bondage- pray this prayer below over yourself today! I’m rooting for you and I know God has a life of freedom and joy ahead of you! :)

Dear Lord,

There are areas in my life where there is hurt. There is brokenness and bondage, but I do not want to remain there any longer. I know you offer freedom from my bondage, and I ask right now that you would free me from all bondage. Help me to overcome by your power! Give me a renewed mind and help me to focus on you and how you want to do so much through my life!

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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I’m Latta Claire- a content creator based in the Midwest and simply someone who loves to create cozy atmospheres within a home.

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